Command, Control, Communications, Computers, and Intelligence
Information dominance is the key enabler for the commanders for making accurate and faster decisions. C4I systems support the commander in situational awareness, collaborative planning, fast and precise decision making and provide operational flexibility. Objective of utilizing C4I systems is to enable all units and systems to participate in the battle with a faster reaction, achieve information dominance over the enemy and conduct decisive operations.
The existence of C4I systems at the battlefield will ensure fast and accurate acquisition, exchange and analysis of the battlefield information, providing a clear and accurate representation of the situation to the commander. C4I systems allow tailoring of the situational representation to the needs of commanders at each level of command providing support for planning, execution and after mission evaluation phases
C4I is for :
Informed Decision Making
• Operation Support in Real Time
• Joint Operations
• Collaborative Planning
• Interoperability
• Situational Awareness
• Digital Communications
• Enhanced Command & Control
• Decision Support